In order to build an open and friendly environment, our contributors and defenders promise: regardless of age, size, physical integrity, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity and representation, experience level, education level, social status, nationality, appearance, race, Belief, sexual orientation, our project and community participants are free from harassment.
The openKylin community abides by the code of conduct stipulated in the "Contributors Convention" of the open source community.
If you need to report insults, harassment or other unacceptable behavior, you can send an email to the technical committee email address and contact the openKylin technical committee for handling.
You can write to the secretariat(, harassment, and misconduct to the project team.The maintenance team will review and investigate all complaints and properly respond as necessary. The project team is obliged to keep the whistleblower's information confidential. The specific implementation policy may be announced separately. Project maintenance personnel who fail to comply with or implement this behavior standard may be temporarily or permanently deprived of the qualifications to participate in the project upon the resolution of the project leader or other members.