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openKylin Community Held 5th Global Exchange Program, Myanmar and Nepal User Groups Established

2024-07-12 15:26:02


On July 8th, the openKylin community successfully held its 5th international exchange program in Tianjin. Over 30 representatives from countries including Nepal, Afghanistan, Uganda, Myanmar, Burundi, Fiji, North Macedonia, and Trinidad and Tobago attended the program.

The openKylin international exchange series aims to further promote stable and friendly partnerships between the openKylin community and international enterprises and enthusiasts. It seeks to advance technological innovation cooperation, technical promotion exchanges, and the development of result transformation applications, while expanding the international influence of the openKylin open-source community and creating an open and prosperous community ecosystem.

Zhang Tianxiong, openKylin Release SIG (Special Interest Group) Maintainer, shared the latest progress of the openKylin system version with the participants. He detailed openKylin's innovative layout in the AI era, its technical features, and rich, user-friendly AI functions, allowing the country representatives present to fully experience the intelligent and convenient user experience of the openKylin operating system.


Fan Jiao, openKylin Community SIG (Special Interest Group) Maintainer, introduced the open-source ecosystem construction and openKylin's international layout. openKylin's open and transparent governance system provides an equal and friendly platform for everyone participating in community co-construction. Meanwhile, openKylin is actively promoting its community internationalization strategy, gathering more international users to join openKylin through diverse community activities.

Tian Shuyang from openKylin International Promotion SIG (Special Interest Group) introduced the main work of openKylin in building an international exchange platform and carrying out community internationalization promotion activities. We cordially invite interested individuals to join the openKylin International Promotion SIG to jointly promote our community to go global.


At the program, the openKylin exhibition area became the focus of attention. Participants gathered around to try and experience the intelligent and smooth performance of the English version of openKylin. They also exchanged ideas on various topics, including the current application ecosystem supported by openKylin, its technical practices in AI, how to download and use it, how to participate in community contributions, and how to join openKylin international user groups.

The openKylin Nepal and Myanmar User Groups were officially established during the program. Several participants applied to become certified members of these user groups and expressed their commitment to actively promote openKylin in their respective countries.


openKylin Nepal User Group Establishment Ceremony


openKylin Myanmar User Group Establishment Ceremony

The openKylin International User Groups are collectives of open-source enthusiasts established to facilitate the exchange of information about openKylin system versions and user experiences among interested individuals from various countries and regions worldwide, as well as to promote the openKylin operating system. To date, the openKylin community has established a total of 9 international user groups - Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Congo, Syria, Nepal, Myanmar.